Saturday, January 18, 2020

I will never ever ever ever ever be yo side chick

I took a break from literally everything after River Rock's last show, and then the December installation list at work, and then Christmas. I said I AINT DOIN SQUAT for at least a couple of weeks. And I didn't. I played The Sims and watched tv, and I just tried to relax and take some
ME time.

In that short time my grandfather, Gene Morris, passed away. The only good thing about that week was that I got to be with my mother, who I love and miss very much.

Then Shannon, my cousin, called me to let me know that my uncle, James Russell, passed away as well. That made me sad, and I wish I could have visited with him one last time before he left this world. Of all of the men in my life that were an influence on me, Jim Russell was the best one. I always wished he could have been my father, and as horrible as that sounds it is absolutely true.

(Historic Elmwood Cemetery)

I won't talk much about Gene. I have a complicated past with him, and it won't do me any good to spew venom here about it. I will say however that much like when my father died, I feel like this is a chapter of my life that I can finally close and I can move on. We can't change people or the past. All we can do is reaffirm ourselves in the knowledge that we are confident and powerful and that we are ultimately the masters of how we allow life to affect us. I won't let any man or woman make me feel powerless or insignificant ever again. 

People like that don't deserve my time or energy anymore. 


Art I have made recently:

I am getting better at what I do every day. There are bigger changes coming. I must stop smoking, and start exercising seriously. I am determined to get this weight off of me. 
One foot in front of the other.


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