Monday, July 19, 2010

this actually made me cry a little

I don't have long, I gotta shower for ethics class. I just wanted to show you something.

Say what you want, but I feel like I can relate to this on an extremely scary level. But in my case, I think was just born more right sided.

I found this on Amanda Palmer's blog, which also had a nice speaking gig that she gave about the music industry. I may not love everything she says, but I do think she is another one of those people who sees things from a slightly different angle than most. Usually from an angle I can relate to.

I really need to get away from here. Sometimes I feel like I can't breathe. And no, not just from the humidity.

On a lighter note, I found this neat little game that lets you build cells and manage them. Something about saving the very man-like platypus species from a mass extinction when a meteor blows up the planet... all i saw was micromanage a virtual cell, and they had me hook, line, and sinker.

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