Thursday, December 31, 2009


To all of those whom I love, I hope you have a happy, safe and wonderful New Year! I shall be sitting in my computer room, drinking myself under the desk. This is last era of Dan K., IF you know what I mean. I have to change it all; make it clean so thatI can have the life I want. Life has changed so much for me already, just in the last 2 years. Some things are the same, and many more are not. I am madly in love with a man that drives me stark raving mad, and I love every moment of it. My demon dog Yaya is thankfully happy and healthy. MY relationship with my family is so much better than in the past. Things dont change much there, but my ability to handle it has changed dramatically. My father is the most sober than he's ever been, and close to going to rehab to get even more help. School is amazing. I've learned so much, and have so much more to learn. I hope that all of the work Ive been putting into this pays off for us.

Things aren't all great. Aunt Barbara isn't doing so well right now. The whole cancer ordeal has really gotten to her health, and she just seems defeated already. I cry every time I talk about this. I can't imagine her not being there. Grandmother either. She is like the rock of our family, and I cant even think about what it'll be like. I don't want to deal with it, but I know I have to face it just like everything else.

Overall, this has been one of the best years I can remember. And we are still well on our way up.

Currently playing on JennyRadio:
(for all you naysayers!)

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