Thursday, December 31, 2009


To all of those whom I love, I hope you have a happy, safe and wonderful New Year! I shall be sitting in my computer room, drinking myself under the desk. This is last era of Dan K., IF you know what I mean. I have to change it all; make it clean so thatI can have the life I want. Life has changed so much for me already, just in the last 2 years. Some things are the same, and many more are not. I am madly in love with a man that drives me stark raving mad, and I love every moment of it. My demon dog Yaya is thankfully happy and healthy. MY relationship with my family is so much better than in the past. Things dont change much there, but my ability to handle it has changed dramatically. My father is the most sober than he's ever been, and close to going to rehab to get even more help. School is amazing. I've learned so much, and have so much more to learn. I hope that all of the work Ive been putting into this pays off for us.

Things aren't all great. Aunt Barbara isn't doing so well right now. The whole cancer ordeal has really gotten to her health, and she just seems defeated already. I cry every time I talk about this. I can't imagine her not being there. Grandmother either. She is like the rock of our family, and I cant even think about what it'll be like. I don't want to deal with it, but I know I have to face it just like everything else.

Overall, this has been one of the best years I can remember. And we are still well on our way up.

Currently playing on JennyRadio:
(for all you naysayers!)

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Happy Holidays!!!

I do realize that it has been over half a month since I last wrote anything. To say the least, I have been very busy. School, family, home, work, and of course the holidays have kept me running. I just wanted to pop in and share some of the images from the digicam.

We did Aaron's 2 Christmas visits yesterday. His dad's family had theirs at 11am out in midtown. Aaron;s cousins live there and they have a very nice house, and 4 greats kids. They are all very sweet and like talking with me and Aaron. Last year we helped them build a rocket in the front yard, and this year we all sat and talked alot. We also watched some funny animal videos on youtube with them. They are very smart, extremely respectful, and have a ton of common sense. They have great parents. I can only hope that we have children half that sweet.

We ate like pigs, and then opened gifts. We got his dad a bunch of movies he really wanted. Aaron's dad got him some clothes, and a autographed book that he really liked about Dick Vitale. He got me (!!!)Season 3 of The Venture Brothers(!!!) haha

Then we went to his mom's house. She was alone for Christmas, except for the dogs. She was happy to have us over, and had even cooked a big ham and all the fixin's. So we ate again, and opened gifts. We got her movies that she wanted, including Harry Potter! lol She got us socks. no lie! and I loved them!!! She also got Aaron some clothes, and $100. She got me a freaking sweet 10 cup food processor. I'm gonna be able to make awesome salads with this thing.

Then tonight I went to my family's Christmas. Barbara had chemo yesterday, so she wasn't feeling well. I love her so much, and I want to see her happy again. She did smile when she hugged me; she seemed happy I was there. I felt bad that I didn't have a gift to give for the secret santa thing, but she made it all better. She literally put a coffee cup in a bag and handed it to me. It was so freaking funny. And sad that I didn't remember to get one. I felt bad. It's always my family I end up looking bad in front of. It drives me mad. f course,my grandafther counldn't letme visit without a lecture about being a pothead loser. But overall, it was ok. I got to talkto uncleKEn for a while, and my aunt Lisa was in a good mood. Grandmother and Pa aren't doing so well these days. I wish I had more time to hang out with them right now.

When I got home tonight, I found the batteries that I bought like a week ago for the camera. (and I finally found the camera) I hooked it all up and realized there are pictures still on here from back in August when Aaron, Yaya, and myself took a trip out to Richardson Landing in Tipton County to have a picnic on the river. It was flooded and overgrown, and we couldn't make it down to the riverbank to have the picnic, so we plopped down right in the parking lot of the landing and ate.
I also got a video of her panting, and she is so intent on catching every smell in the wind she cannot be stopped, even by the need to breathe!!! I love this dog.

Currently playing on JennyRadio:
We are Scientists - Textbook

Friday, December 4, 2009


Oh, how I did laugh. I needed it too. I spent all of tonight studying medical terminology. lol

ALSO I found this:

Neat huh? I haven't had alot of time for recreational reading, but I really need to find a good book. I want to go to the big library on Poplar Avenue and renew my card.

Sleep is calling me. I work and I have a doc appointment afterward.

Now playing on JennyRadio:

Thursday, December 3, 2009

up too late

I've been nauseous all day, and my neck is stiff. I have an appointment Friday. I'm up studying late again, because I have a ridiculous amount of home work already, and I haven't even been to my first Thursday class this semester yet. I knew this term would suck. lol

I was thinking about decorating the Christmas lights like this guy on the right.

haha I wouldn't have anyone to point to though, since none of my neighbors go even the tiniest bit overboard. Maybe we should! We haven't even gotten any of it out of the attic yet.
Oh, but I want to!

Now playing on JennyRadio:

Just listen, don't pay attention to the video. It's a beautiful song.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

something random

I usually don't listen to music like this, but it touched me.

Not just anybody

Is it a bad thing to say that I hope we have kids like these? Then we can watch videos like these!


I was so frustrated just a minute ago that I sent an email to the feedback section of ABC's website.

"Every time I watch any video that has the Target Ad running in the background, the video is extremely choppy visually and completely unwatchable. Any other ad does not cause this problem, only the Target Ad with the unnecessarily smug lady covered in wiggly little intractable red bubbles. I wait for her to strut her sassy self off screen, and then I try to watch the video again, only to eventually close it in frustration because it makes my head hurt to watch! Please make Target fix it!"

I will wipe this machine completely clean again before Ill spend another minute reinstalling and reconfiguring to figure out WHY it wont do what I WANT it to do and WHY it does WHATEVER it feels like. haha OK I vented. I feel better now. I don't know enough. Something else I need to learn.

I started MED 160 tonight. This class is called Medical Law and Ethics, and is taught by a very nice lady named Yolanda Davis. I thought right away that she is a boisterous and over the top, but in a good way. I hope there's no offense when I say she reminds me of a reverend's wife, or someone from the deep south like my home state of Mississippi. Dramatic words but no nonsense, and she'd give you the skin off of her back if you needed it. Listening to her talk is serious because of the subject matter, but she even said at one point that with a class like this, where there is ALOT of talking and little visual stimulus, you must learn to be creative and captivate you audience. I think she does a fantastic job. This class is shaping up to be exactly what I hoped it would be.

Im off tomorrow!!! YAY!!! I've been away for a few days because of my health. I'm sure I didn't mention it, but recently I had to go to the hospital for a cyst that burst in my uterus. I don't recommend the experience. I've never felt pain like that before. The only thing I have to compare to that was when I almost lost my right eye. This was so much worse because it was such a sharp pain and so overwhelming that all I could do was throw up and hope that I passed out soon. It literally made me want to crawl out of my skin. It was absolutely horrible. Haley knows what I'm talking about. Being a woman can really suck sometimes. I got an antibiotic, and they sent me home. Once the pain stops there's not much they can do for you. It burst and now your body just has to process out the toxins released by it. Oh, but not MY body. MY body decided to hang on to some of that disgusting toxin and store it up in my leg. It became absessed and had to repeat the terrible visit, but this time the pain was in my leg and I didn't go into the emergency room. They want too much money!!! This infection BS is starting to get to me. For one, MONEY!!! That's all I'm saying! Secondly, it runs you down. Physically, no matter how much sleep I get it never feels like enough. Even when I'm in a really good mood, I just don't have much energy to do anything. Things are getting better though. I'm mending nicely, and I should be going to a general practitioner sometime this week.

Now playing on JennyRadio:

I can't find the complete lyrics for this song anywhere, but I swear he says Beale Street!