Friday, February 27, 2009

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

...and then today this kid left an AWSOME pair of sunglasses in the bathroom at work,so I brought them home, and played with the webcam again and of all the pictures I took of myself in stupid looking 80's hairstyles was this one...

hahahahaha I look so funny. But I do think Im going to take the glasses back tomorrow, I feel bad for taking them. BUT I LOOK DAMN COOL IN THEM. I think I might buy me a pair.

Im going to watch some NCIS. IM OFF TOMORROW, which is yet again AWSOME!

playing with the webcam plus finding my old hat equals hawt Jenny pics

AND Jenny's awsome pic of the day


Tuesday, February 10, 2009

UHOH - You male potheads should check this story out. It's pretty scary if they can actually can prove it.