Friday, June 6, 2008

there is no sugar in this coffee, half and half only I swear!

Ok the laundry wasnt done, and I got coffee. The surfing continues.

8-bit paintball - i thought it was cute in a "no mercy-no survivors" kinda way

Have you seen this kid who can play guitar like a demon child? And playing a beatle song no less
click me to see evil in cute Japanese form

And one last addition to my musical video display this morning is this little beat box and big plus! they use cowbell!!!

Ive got to shower before the house wakes up. Be back soon.

maybe some fish ar too old to learn new tricks


I was just surfing along, waiting on the coffee, and I found this video. Ive always felt guilty about how little there is to interact with in the tank. I wonder if Moe and Larry are too old to learn? lol Maybe when things are a little more certain and stable I could set the fish up in the big tank thats in the shed right now, and use the small tank theyre in to have a play house for them!!! The beta wouldn't be able to, or Big Worm - my placo, he's too skittish. But Moe and Larry might like it, or their little brothers and sisters Ill get for them when I set the big tank back up.

I've got laundry to do before I shower and head out for the morning.


musical morning

I got up REAL early this morning. Like about 30 mins ago, lol. I woke up from the weirdest dream, and couldnt go back to sleep. Its times like this that I need private posts. Anyways I was surfing around and I found this crazy thing. PLEASE watch to the end, you freaked when I saw them say MORE COWBELL. Then a few minutes later I ran across a drummer table that seemed a little TOO silly. Plus it totally didnt have a cowbell, so like... fuck that.

Sunday, June 1, 2008


Im beginning to really get upset about the bullshit network problems Ive been having. I dont have time to deal with it, and I cant figure it out even if I had time to. Im not explaining it all again, so basically Im having intermitten browsing issues that are also keeping me from posting to my livejournal. And since this blog thingie wont let me post private posts, so I can rant about the crap I need to vent, without hurting someones feelings or something. AND IT IRRITATES ME THAT I CAN NO LONGER TALK TO MYSELF. lol I like keeping track of my thoughts, it helps me to center things a little. I just dont want EVERYONE to know what Im thinking.

Ive been trying to get the pictures off my camera but to do it with the USB it needs power, and I dont have any batteries yet. lol Irritates me cause the ones on there are of the BBQ at my aunts. My mother was in town, all the kids were there swimming with us, and I took Aaron with me that day. Theres some good pics on there. Ill have to convice Aaron to bring his pc over, he has one of those card readers on his machine, the lucky punk.

Since the phones is getting cut back on tomorrow, Im gonna be back out tuesday thru friday trying to reapply at some places. God knows who called while it was out. Itll be good to get out in the sun again, even tho its so damned hot I think sometimes Im just going to end up shaving my head lol. Its LONG now. Like past my waist, almost past my bottom. lol I need to dye and cut it again, Im all brindle like Yaya now.

So I was surfing this morning, drinking my coffee, I ran across this. And laughed until I almost (ALMOST!) fell out of the chair. Just watch it all the way to the end, its totally worth it. And did a little more browsing around and found this. And had to go upstairs and paint for a while. Id show you but its still wet, and like I said, no batteries.

Ok so Im going to vege out and watch some tv. After I finish listening to this. lol ;)

<3 Jen